Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ugly bangs and fat heads.

it's funny how I never said I would write things outside of my sidekick..well, here I am now.
I doubt i'll ever give my bloggie thing out for others to read my thoughts and such but, you never know right?

Okay, well it's new years eve and people are pitying themselves which is quite..lame. I mean honestly it's new years eve! Party like it's 1999 right? or does this new year count as a year closer to the end of our earth? Did you know that once before there was a prediction about the end of the world? and obviously it never happened so well here we are.

Okay, anyways. I know I haven't updated in uhh...forever but, that's why i'm here now! And I believe that i will be updating much more frequently. Let me give you an update in a very very long paragraph.

WARNING: this will probably contain a lot of errors etc..please just bare with me.

okay so i've started freshman year and well, it's been alright so far. I mean I always expected something more. I thought that once I hit high school things would start to go my way. I would make varsity socccer (which i did) get good grades ( which i am) and find the love of my life. (which obviously hasn't happened. Even typing this all out myself - it sound cliche and pretty lame but, I can't help but, feel the way I feel. wow. I hate doing caps on this thing. On my sidekick it does it automatically and it's rreally starting to piss me off. okay enough about that. Anyways..continuing on. Well, yeah. I just really want to feel special in the arms of someone that supposedly "loves"me. Heck they dont have to "love" me ! i just want someone to like me ! I mean, that would make my life a lot more interesting. It would give me something to look forward to at school. People, and may I add not the most attractive people, can even get boyfriends and such! I don't wanna sound mean and i'm not saying i'm attractive but, come on! can't I atleast get a boy to look at me twice! or talk to me! or come say hi! or hug me!?! this is making me feel lame and all ewwishly gay so i'm gonna stop. oh and when i say "gay" i don't mean it offensively. If you're gay..go for it! I have nothing against you. So yeah..besides that it's all just been pretty routine. I'm not angry so there's nothing for me to rant about and ughh. i have so much homework left and i am the biggeest procrastinator you will ever meet. gosh.

i jsut got back from san fran a couple of days ago and on our way there we stopped by hearst's caslte. and let me tell was the most amazing thing ever. i think i was born in the wrong time period. If i was born back then, I would've made sure i got invited and i would have had the most amazing time.

It's a wonderful place to think about. to dream about.

it is absolutely wonderful.

i do daydream quite often. but i find myself not being able to finish what i always start to daydream about. I always make up little stories in my head and always i am never able to finish them.

Yes, i've tried writing counteless books and still, i can never finish them. A strange thing that is.

Maybe it goes with that whole "my book isn't finished yet" crap that people always say. Well, it's not crap but, oh so cliche.

Well, dont know what else to rant about, i guess i really was ranting.

Anyways..update later?

maybe i'll actually have something worth your time to talk about ehh?

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